Teenage Models Fashion Modeling Jobs

TeenageFashionModeling14-year-old Li Yuan, who won the Guangxi region section of the Miss Asia beauty contest earlier this month, has become a controversial star, with people concerned her effect as a role fashion model will fuel underage modeling.

"My daughter has been teenage modeling for two years. She has won 50 prizes at various levels of model contests, and was the overall winner in 12 of them," said her mother Fan Xuefang.

Neither the solo mother nor the teenage girl considers her age should be a concern in models jobs as long as she has the talent. Li Yuan said she would try her best to balance her modeling career and school studies, but would not say if she would go to senior high school next year.

The Miss Asia pageant, which is run by Asia Television Limited (a TV), has brought many famous fashion stars, including Kristy Yeung and Nina Li Chi, into the limelight; attracts teenage girls who dream of being stars. The three top finalists are signed by a TV.

TeenageModelingModelsJobs"The age limit of the preliminary contest in Guangxi was lowered to 14 this year from 16 in previous years," said He Gang, organizer of the regional heat.

"A lower age limit was piloted in Guangxi this year. In other areas, the age limit is still 16. We required minors to show their parents' approval in writing to take part in the contest, " he said.

He said: "I feel young contenders -- those born after 1990 -- are very independent. They are willing to go on stage to demonstrate their talent and courage.".

But fashion industry experts disagree.

"Underage girls may be tall enough but their immature bodies trend fashion can't fully convey the charm of clothes. Our company doesn't recruit models younger than 16," said Li Xiaobai, chairman of Xin Silu (New Face) Model Company, which is the oldest and largest modeling agency in China.

One of the judges in the contest in Guangxi, Sha Xiaofan, a veteran models' agent, said school-age contenders often did not display "culture, knowledge and intelligence.

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