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hottest vietnamese elly tran ha  elly kim hong 16
The H1b rules and Cap are framed based on the principle that foreigners will be allowed only when there are no avialblity of skilled persons for that job. That is the reason For LCA and salary requirements. You can very well google that why H1b visa was created on 1991. Everyone in congress and also american public expects that American jobs should not be replaced by foreigners. But when there is no clear cut job position there could be foreigner could be hired just because he quotes 10 dollar less than American but same skills.
But still we can lobby for change of law to get some grace period of 2 or 3 months when a persons job lost or H1b is cancelled. But it is a bad idea to justify bench without pay for H1b. But still USCIS was sympathtic towards most people and most H1bs got green card though they were in bench. One of my relative forgot to renew H1b for more than an year but otherwise perfect. They accepted and applied for extension explaining the situation and got extension. If they would followed the law she would have got 10 year Ban. But I am not expecting any sympathy from USCIS for anyone who violated law or regulation knowlingly.

Is H-1B working at a gas station a bad apple? Yes.

Non-Indian staffing company keeps $150/hr, 25 years back. Is this a bad apple? How much can a staffing company keep? Why? Who decides it? Has Hilda L. Solis decided it for for US workers? Why should Janet Napolitano decide it for H-1B?

Contractor salary and benefits come from his/her billing only. Most US workers are not paid on bench/benefits. Why should H-1B be paid on bench/benefits? Contractor can be paid on bench/benefits only by spreading the billing over bench/benefits (thereby reducing paycheck). Why is this a good apple?

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2010 has been a very successful year for Vietnamese hotgirl Elly Tran Ha (Elly Kim Hong). Taking advantages of her hot body, Elly Tran Ha appeared in quite a few photo books in China, Hongkong, Taiwan
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hottest vietnamese elly tran ha  elly kim hong 16

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